Reserve studies in Florida are insurance for the uninsurables.
A reserve study is a planning tool for future expenditures over a specified length of time. A professional report is one of the best tools to aid in the replacement of large components such as pavement, roofs, paint, and anything over $10,000 that may need to be replaced and avoid special assessments. These items can wield quite a blow if not prepared for.
At Expert Reserve Services, we have developed a system to keep our clients involved and aware of the entire process. Upon initial hire, we schedule a site visit (where applicable), meet the board and manager, compile a component list, research and contact specialists and professionals for estimates and insight, and prepare a “draft” for approval before the final report is completed. This allows us not only to service the client’s needs at the time but into the future as well.
We are unique in that the same reserve study specialist will handle your report from start to finish! In an industry where it is not unusual for a client to have to deal with 4-5 different people during the study process, we make it personalized. The same specialist who comes to your location to meet with you for the on-site visit will work with you too.